This is not a place for you to repeatedly advertise your content on other platforms. You are welcome to share a video you made, a article you wrote, etc. However, if your account shows little interest in participating in the communities you advertise to, or you are just blasting out posts and hoping one sticks, your submission will be removed, and you may be banned.
1,993 points submitted 15 days agoLouisiana here. My take is Trump wants several more hurricanes thrown at yall, and a few at us just to keep Canada Goose Outlet us in line. He one hurricane launching superweapon away from being a comic book canada goose coats on sale supervillain.I just want people to be able to live their lives, be happy, and conduct the business of living as a community without any interference from stupid racists and their fucking dumb ideologies.EDIT: I regret mentioning any kind of hypothetical weather modification technology, because now that all everyone wants to talk about.
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To me and this very well could canada goose black friday sales toronto have been specific to my program and area canada goose hybridge uk of study it felt like the students in my program who came in with a good amount of “real world” professional/personal experience were actually at a huge advantage and brought a LOT of really great insight to the table. It also felt like they were far enough removed from the undergrad mindset (where school and academics is really all you know), and were WAY better at not sweating the small stuff, and being generally more concerned with actually grasping and interrogating the material than getting an A on a project or paper. (I should also mention that my program wasn’t particularly competitive from a grades standpoint like law or medical school might be).
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No Kickstarter, crowdfunding, et al project “reminder” posts. They have had very canada goose repair uk big updates and I feel it worth the price now, but I still have that salty taste in my mouth because of the initial release. IMO they should have waited the extra 2 years (I think it was about two years after the initial release date when the big updates came out) to do a full release.
The colour represents how many gems you “save” compared to buying packs after doing the number of drafts listed on the vertical axis and having the winrate shown on the horizontal one (the axes are not all the same, I cropped them to the relevant areas, so beware). So looking at the appropriate graph, if I had done 20 drafts so far of the new set and sat a comfortable canada goose jacket uk womens 50% winrate, I Canada Goose Online would expect to save about 200gems or 1$/ by canada goose coats drafting instead of spending the gems on packs. These graphs can be found here:.
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Your model also would likely end up looking very racist. Students of color do perform lower on average for a number of reasons (disadvantaged from the start, racist housing policies have placed them in high crime ghettos, etc), and education should really serve to unify these disparate groups. Your model would likely have the students canadian goose jacket from lower socioeconomic statuses all in one school together.