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And I simply disagree. If everything was balanced for the utter top skill level, then games like Rainbow wouldn have balance at the average level. They nerfing the fuck outta lion because hes at like, 97% win rate in comp because hes just picked every single attack phase.

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However, it is definitely not Mardi Gras. The students and local people use the week to party, but during the day the children have their own holiday and build floats and make music etc. It is a catholic festival, but that is hardly noticeable. Every time this comes up it characterized in those terms (as if we needed to be reminded the Quran denies these doctrines). “A reading from the Quran affirming Christ messiahship and virgin birth” would be an equally canada goose outlet in montreal accurate characterization, and yet you don hear that so much despite it being the stated motivation for the exercise. Funny how that happens.