I’ve read a lot of these stories, and I know how they’re supposed to end: with me running a marathon, or getting faster, or going down several clothing sizes. But this is not a story of great athletic achievement. I haven’t yet run more than four miles at a stretch, or even averaged that 10 minute mile.

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There are no rules, so you can be pithy, and snarky, or show bad form in debate, etc. But, there a balance you seek. If you stray too far away from the meta and towards “bug”, then that leads to the only real “rule”:. The first time I rode a ATV my brain went “this is a motorcycle” and I was constantly turning left when I meant to turn right and visa versa! Same thing happened the first time I rode a jet ski. It took a few minutes for my brain to disassociate the ATV/Jet ski from a motorcycle. It was on Quite Interesting, and I love any excuse to reference that show.